
Saturday, February 23, 2013

James Bond - continued and finished.

Ok so after posting that really long blog about how far I got, I decided to sit down and just pump this out. Now with the aid of my computer I can layout and measure what size I am going to be using so that my background fits perfectly.

Then print out the exact size I am going to need.

Take a pencil and reverse the out line on the back of the print out...viola, instant carbon paper!

Retrace the logo onto the cards and start coloring in the light outline.

 With that completed, do the same thing to the British Flag, color it by hand, add some high-lights.

Then all you have to do is remove the tape from the back that has been holding them together, clean them up a little with some lite erasing and your done!


Obsydian Stitch said...

As a huge Bond fan I must give my honest and critical opinion. THESE ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Those are awesome!