
Friday, January 25, 2013

Legolas Inked

I posted this earlier this week on Facebook and I will start coloring this next week.

I have a temporary fix for why these pages don't automatically allow people to post comments and sadly it can only be done at home, so hang with me, I will eventually get it fixed.

I am sitting here in my office at home with a dog at my feet who keeps reminding me it's "nap time" and I am thinking to myself, "how lucky am I?" I have a wife who is supportive, a warm house, a job that pays the bills and good friends and family. I don't care about how many DVDs I own, or how many trains I have, or even how much product I sell, as long as I remember those important issues of whats REALLY important, I am the richest man in the world.

Have a great Friday and a good weekend!

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