
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The First Week

Now that training is over I can start doing driving on my own and I am glad to do it too because ya just get to a point where it's like "ok, enough training, lets just do this already!" I have three routes (of which I will post later) and after a couple of days things are going well, besides weather issues that is :)

My new schedule gives me plenty of time for working and yesterday I did some for the first time in weeks at Brueger's Bagels but after a while it too got a little crowded, today I am at the Hennepin County Library and it's wonderful. Quiet, no interruptions and I can work....and work I did.

I have been toying around with this idea of a bus driver... Go figure! Anyway, there are some people at work requesting some of my work so I started on this little guy and some writing for him. I call him "Barney the Bus Driver." I'll see where this goes but, next months schedule is done and and I am back up and running. It will be weird not doing a daily cartoon and I am going to miss STV but I have enough to keep me busy.

Ill be posting more later this week.


Sketch said...

There! Now the comment section is fixed and comments can now be added!!!

Josh Burg said...

I can't comment on the post above.

Josh Burg said...

I can't comment on the above post.

Anonymous said...

I hope you devlop the idea fo the bus driver!